Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Less Weight, Less Global Warming

There have been some studies coming out recently that draw a direct link between being overweight and adding to greenhouse gasses.

People who are overweight eat more food. It takes energy to produce this food and this causes greenhouse gasses. When millions of people are overweight, this adds up to a lot of gas, about ONE TON of extra CO2 per person per year.

If you believe in man-made global warming, if this is your issue, think twice before you eat. That extra donut could make the problem worse.

I figure that if we all stopped went on a massive diet, we would be able to reduce the world's temperature by at least a tenth of a degree in the year 2110.

So, the next time you need a reason not to eat something good, think about the planet and how we are warming it up. Then again, a warmer planet will help us grow more food. Growing food isn't bad, is it? I say eat the ice cream and enjoy it!

Obama's McDonald's Stimulus Working

McDonald's announced their quarterly earnings this week. Same store sales are more than 4% and so are earnings.

As I predicted, Obama's stimulus plan is going right to our stomachs rather than to product. This is an unintended (but predictable) consequence to Obama's choice to reduce payroll taxes rather than send everyone a check.

I wonder if he knows how much this will add to greenhouse gasses and global warming?

Obama's Coming New York Times Bailout

The New York Times has been experiencing a consistent loss in readership and advertising revenues. With its first quarter loss of $74.5 million, the Times is teetering on the edge of failure.

The Times has $1.3 billion debt and unfunded pension liabilities of $625 million. Given its “free” cash position of $34 million (this subtracts the $260 million set aside to retire 2010 debt that comes due), it doesn’t appear that the Times has much of a future. Could be just a matter of months.

Looks like a time for an Obama bailout.

The New York Times gives Obama a daily massage and pep talk. There is no organization that is more solidly in his camp. There is no organization (except for with as much influence. There is no organization that colors his mistakes and hides his flaws with a daily air brush. Obama needs the New York Times like the military needs enemies. They are joined at the hip and feed off the same foods.

Look for the administration to begin a “Save the Gray Lady” campaign any day now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Obama Hypocracy on Nukes

While I celebrate Mr. Obama’s right to govern, I am continually amazed at the enormous disparity between his words and his actions.

While the mainstream U.S. media keeps massaging him as if he is the Chosen One, Obama is doing things through executive order and summit promises that are the opposite of his words.

The latest of these issues is Obama’s pledge to rid the war of nuclear weapons. While his rhetoric sounds great, behind the scenes his administration is signaling to Iran that they will do nothing to stop them from processing spent nuclear fuel into weapons grade material.

In my new book, The Presidential Pretender, the U.S. president (the pretender that America thinks is president) actually does create a framework to reduce the worldwide risks of nuclear annihilation.

Obama will bluster about reducing nuclear stockpiles. As our current nuclear treaty with Russia expires, he will create great-looking sound bites that will make it look like something positive is actually being done. The truth is, both the U.S. and Russia have thousands of outdated nuclear warheads that would never get used, even in the event of a war. Obama and Putin (the real acting Russian president) will agree to destroy many of these and call it a win for the world. This is bull.

The most important nuclear talks should be centered on how to prevent Iran from building bombs. Their leader has vowed to create the next holocaust, as is predicted in the Quran. From it “Islam will rise from the ashes.” He will do it unless he is stopped, and that means now. The talks with Russia are a smokescreen and a sham, while the real threat to the western world is allowed to grow stronger every day.

I expect that Israel will be forced into doing Obama’s heavy lifting here, and I sure hope that he supports them, rather than taking the coward’s way out, as he is today.